Volunteering and traveling in Argentina to proclaim God's great love, and hopefully not getting sick along the way.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Pictures of the day

Throughout my time here, I have happened to have my camera with me for some opportune moments. Or, simply, to highlight the uniqueness of culture in Córdoba. The first is capturing a famous U.S. business:

Who knew that Blockbuster was still alive and kicking? No but seriously, I was caught off guard when I saw this, and the street itself made me feel as though I was in the middle of a big city or something. Weird.

The second best prize for fun picture as of late goes to (focus on what is between his front two paws)...
Two words: smoking kills.

And finally, the best of our boys on the way to the museum this past Tuesday:
Left to right: Franco, Rodrigo dos, Javi, Chechu and Nahuel. The colored shirts makes it feel like they're a boy band. I just enjoy how much bro-love is being administered here. hehe.


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