We've changed the schedule a bit. So I thought I'd enjoy my first Monday of cooking to the extreme. It began with a rice salad. And while yes, dad, I know you don't like mayo, you should try this:
2 cups of cooked rice
16oz can of pineapples (chopped)
1 medium bell pepper chopped
2 or 3 stalks of green onion chopped
1 cup of broccoli.. you guessed it.. chopped
for the dressing mixed in:
1/2 cup of mayo
juice from a lemon
1 teaspoon of curry powder
For me, I don't have curry powder so I used a dash of cumin, red pepper, parsley and a little bit of salt and pepper. Also, as you can see, I have to chop up my broccoli myself. All that leftover seems like a waste*.
Then I had some leftover garlic mashed potatoes that I had put together last week. I looked up a couple recipes of "What to do when you don't have a microwave" and found these:
Potato dumplings. All you need is a little extra flour, an egg, boiling water, and voila! I already tried them, and must say, "Yummy!!!" (They would even serve as my next few days' worth of breakfasts.)
Tomorrow for the boys institute, I remembered that it's Rodrigo dos' birthday. We had a bunch of extra bread laying around in the house (that not even 7 of us could consume within the next week), so I decided to make...
Bread pudding! I was scared at first when I smelt it burning. I immediately peeped in the oven to find it rising like crazy and panicked. Turned it off, let it settle, and now it looks much more normal. And it seemed to go over well during our visit. Smelled normal, but it's more of a shame that I couldn't taste it to be sure. I'll have to make it again once Lent is over :)
Finally, what I have been waiting for the most--a chance to make eggplant parmesan! I prepared the berenjenas, breaded and baked, while putting together a sauce made of garlic, onions (regular and green onions), tomato sauce, and carrots! Never thought of putting carrots in a sauce before until I tried it last week per Eva's doing. It's quite delicious I tell you.
Any way, that was most of my Monday. I got in a good nap and took care of other necessary housework items, but mainly I just took over the kitchen. I think I will like Mondays much more now, though I don't think I'll be going all out as I had done this time. Any way, chau for now!
*I've learned how to prepare the broccoli leaves. They now sit in the fridge waiting for me to actually eat them. Ha. With all of this weeks leftovers I haven't gotten around to them yet.
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