Volunteering and traveling in Argentina to proclaim God's great love, and hopefully not getting sick along the way.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sunday in the park, you'd think it was a Christmas kindle market

Here we are, minus Jonas who kindly took our picture, enjoying our picnic under some gorgeous trees in Recoleta. Recoleta is famous for its cemetery and market. One may not know my secret love for cemeteries, which I'm sure sounds creepy. But they're so intriguing--I once found a Robert Louis Stevenson in Nevada, and I was disheartened at a Civil War cemetery to find the slaves given nameless stones and the worst plot of land in the area. Finding interesting names, and reading the years have always made me think about life. Besides, this cemetery in Buenos Aires was unlike any I had encountered before. Definitely a must see!

Perhaps the craziest part was that it wasn't a plot of land, it was a garden of behemoth monuments for everyone. Sometimes famous people (including Evita and Luis Angel Filpo) are buried here, sometimes there are war memorials, and sometimes it's just people no one really knows.


Ultimately, everything has a sense of sacred. Lots of Latin (my favorite in fact is the one above, "Expect us God." Amen to that!), lots of memorial placards, lots of crosses and angels. Very beautiful. And the cats were funny too. I like this photo because truly, they never looked pleased. Then again, they're cats that hang around dead people.

We returned to join the rest of the group who had gone shopping in the market. I told both Jonas and Ari that since they don't get to experience their Weihnachtsmarkt this Christmas, that this would have to do. Any way, if you want more pictures, check facebook.

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