Volunteering and traveling in Argentina to proclaim God's great love, and hopefully not getting sick along the way.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Dreams can come true

Behind me is the largest avenue in the world. Nine lanes on both sides that pass this round about from which I take the picture. In front of me, not pictured, is the Obelisk. This is a big deal.

Last November or so, I had a dream. I freaked out from the dream and told Kendra about how excited I was about it. It was a dream where I was looking out of an airplane onto a city in which we were about to land. There was this giant obelisk thing, and our plane was going to land in the street. I had worried the plane wouldn't fit, but it did. The exact same image recurred three times that night. I had a feeling it was a South American city as I had seen numerous colorful buildings, but none that were not tall skyscrapers or something.

I can't begin to tell you all the real life things that happened next. The most intriguing thing is I didn't know what Buenos Aires looked like. In fact, it wasn't until I was at the OM conference in the US that I happened to see a picture of the city that was exactly what I saw in my dream. Freak out number two.

So here I am. At times, I still wonder what I'm doing here. I still have so much to learn; so much in ministry that I don't get right. I have moments where I don't see myself making much of a difference, if at all. But God in His great mercy has led me here, so what else is there for me to do?

I was in awe to find that the largest avenue was behind me. A plane could totally land there if it wanted to. Perhaps that's why I was at such a loss for words while I sat before the Obelisco, observing the men take down one of the largest Argentinian flags I've ever seen. Wow.

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