Here's what I'm thinking about:
I'm thinking about my new best friend Ariane. We met one of the first days of the conference, and I was impressed by her insight into something going on in my life. We got to spend some time together getting to know one another better, only to find out that she's going to Argentina too! She will just be in Buenos Aires instead, but that's okay. It's nice to have someone to talk to in the same time zone experiencing near the same thing in a new place.
I'm thinking about the many people from the conference I went to in February who are now well on their way to various locations around the world.
I'm thinking about all the words from other languages I've learned. I can't say them right now because I've near lost my voice from staying up so long.
I'm thinking about this really quite amazing story about two Northern Irelanders and how they came together in marriage. I'll just say I'm such a fan of dreams. As they would say, "They're brilliant!"
I'm thinking I should stop writing so that my battery will survive the trip. Adios.
Love the picture!