Javier, Sarah and I walked to a nearby Institute, as it is called. There are many institutes in our area, all serving different purposes. One is for teenage boys, another for girls, and this one specifically for pregnant or already-mom teenagers. Government funded, these homes serve as places of refuge for adolescents who come from abusive, or just unhealthy home lives.
When we first arrived, no one was answering the door even though we could hear people inside. So we stopped to pray, and sure enough, someone answered the door. We had also prayed that they would let us come often to this place to serve, even though we have no idea what exactly we would be doing.
The administrator was very kind to us, and enthusiastic about us coming. We start tomorrow, in fact, and can come every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the morning. I'm a little nervous, because I'm not quite sure what to say not only because I can hardly speak Spanish, but because I do not know what to say to a 14 year old with a 1 year old child.
Tonight, we came up with these. Little crinkle toys for the moms to make for their children. Additionally, we put together a vocabulary list to help us explain the making of them. I'm a bit more at ease having something prepared--although I just found out we might be going on Thursday instead of tomorrow. Oh, how I'll need to make a blog specifically about Latin time! :DI would just like to point out that there is some hand sewing going on in this by yours truly! I feel so jill-of-all-trades right now!
I am confident that Christ will work in me, but I can use your prayers. Ultimately, I want to remember that He has equipped me in the first place, and I rejoice in the opportunity to serve! Thank you Lord for answering our prayers! Adios.
Great job on the hearts and stars! Truly you are becoming a jill-of-all-trades =)