Volunteering and traveling in Argentina to proclaim God's great love, and hopefully not getting sick along the way.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

La pinta misionera

In Russia, the monk-priest-dude (official title) said that I had a certain glow about me. He asked me to return some day and be a monk-priest-dude helper. Whatever that means.

When I went to the M church (better to write it like this), everyone looked at me and said, "You have the look of a missionary."

What does this mean? I still have no clue.

Especially when the appropriately named "Great Commission" is meant for anyone who says they are a Christ follower. As mentioned in a sermon I watched on Friday, there are 3 responses to the GC:

1. To go
2. To support others who go
3. To disobey

Not really room for anything else.

I am convinced that the quote attributed to Francis of Assisi is now wrong though. He said something about preaching the gospel, and if necessary to use words. As I study more of the Scripture and how much Jesus had to explain everything he did (i.e. Road to Emmaus), all the miraculous signs and symbols of Bible times and our times, require, well words.

Maybe that's what it is. I talk a lot. So it makes me more missionary-like. Heck. I dunno. But it was cool to attend church tonight, as it was the renewing of the vows of a humble couple from Las Violetas. I was so inspired by the meeting, feeling such love from my Father above, that I had this weird inner itch to share the gospel with someone. Does that ever happen to you?

I met a couple, related to the re-married one, who is Catholic. So I talked about Jesus with them.

That's all I have to say about that I suppose. It's late and I should go to bed. I'll probably re-read this tomorrow and think, "who is this crazy girl?" haha

love and chau!

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