First, there's new vocabulary:
1. Que te iba a decir...? "What was I going to tell you?" I never realized how often I heard this phrase until after I started using it too. It's a great way to let people know you have something to say and they'll give you a minute to think. Normally, conversation moves so quickly, it's hard for us extranjeras.
2. Tengo mis pilas: "I'm all set and energized." Literally, I have my batteries.
3. Ensalada de fruta. Okay, actually, not new vocabulary, and for those of you non-Spanish speakers, I'm assuming you can translate this. Imagine me, hair down, curly (or wavy if you prefer) as it is naturally. My friend's mom tells me, "Wow! Sharayah, I love your hair! It looks like a fruit salad!"
Me: Umm.. what?
Friend: Yeah mom, what do you mean by that?
F's mom: You know.. it's so.. so...
[all laugh]
Exactly. Que se yo?
Then there's the fact that I went to a Cordoba Immersions camp again this past week and had a blast. I'm scheduled again for next week too, and it's a delight to know I'll continue working with teenagers. My favorite memory this time is teaching the kids ultimate frisbee. Naturally, the boys got into it, and one boy, Facu, was particularly excited. When I passed to him (one in which he would have to continue his sprint to catch the frisbee), he forgot about a bush in the way and completely collapsed. I was embarrassed for him, but he shook it off, and scored two minutes later. Then I was proud, because it's not every day you see a teenage boy able to keep going after a moment like that. Way to go Facu!
The second best moment was picking a name for our team. We were given the color yellow, so the students thought of the only things they knew in English that was yellow: Sunshine and lemons. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, our team name was the Sunshine Lemons. hehe
Last, but certainly not least, today is Mother's day in Argentina. Therefore (asi que, quise a escribir), I would like to give a shout out to one of the best mom's in the world....
I know you can't see her face, but this is from Puerto Madryn where she was building a sandcastle and a bunch of little kids were impressed (as seen) and joined her. I love her kind spirit, her willingness to be a friend to just about anybody, and the way she encourages me in her daily prayers for me and others.
Thanks for everything mom! I love you very much!
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