Volunteering and traveling in Argentina to proclaim God's great love, and hopefully not getting sick along the way.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

That which I still don't understand

I have a mountain of work ahead of me before I take off for Jujuy again, but I think it's important to take a load off.. watch a little Battlestar.. and write here about what's been happening and where I'm going.

First, we arrived at the girls' institute yesterday to find a whole family staying with Gladys. I could see the stress in her eyes, but ironically, she was still more than happy to play hide-and-go-seek (called Escondidas) with the various children that were there. So we finished our craft of the day, painting little animals made of wood and gluing them to bobby pins, and headed outdoors!

Part one of that which I don't get--the way they play the game. Instead of looking for someone, tagging them, and thus passing on the grueling task of counting for everyone to go hide again, the rule is that once you see someone, you have to race that person back to the wall at which you counted. If you tag the wall before they do, they've been caught, but you still have to search for the others. Oh, and you're supposed to shout something too... "Pica!" or "Piedra libre!" and maybe their name too. I just shout all three and run. haha.

When you find the other people, the same rules apply. The final person to get caught, if that's what you even call it, has to count for the next round. So in a way, it's better to be found first, given that the others will be "caught" as well.

The director told me that Gladys loves this game, and again I was reminded of her childlike character. It's really quite adorable.

Before all this, there was the visit to the boys' institute where we played basketball. Nahuel was playing alone at first, and he didn't seem interested in doing our craft. Key to ministry is always to be flexible, so we played a little bball instead. [Smile]

My inner Upward Basketball coach came out, and I taught him the proper way to shoot, and a few dribbling tricks. When I showed him the spider, the most priceless look of amazement shown through his silver dollar eyes. "Your turn," I said, as I passed him the ball.

He looked at me, then the ball, below his legs, and said, "Javi?"


When I say I'm from Texas, a few will mention the Dallas Spurs. I first correct them, and then add, "Yes, in San Antonio you have an Argentine representative in Ginobili... No, I don't know him personally."

And yet, whenever I've played basketball with fellow Argentines, they don't know the first thing about the rule of double dribbling. Their shooting is atrocious. And most of the guys are major ball hogs. Oh, well, I guess that's universal ;).

Encima de todo, I'm going to Jujuy tomorrow through Monday. We (Raul, Andrea and I) will be venturing to the same church we had visited during Holy Week to lead a weekend camp for teenagers. I don't know how many will be coming; I don't know how often messages will be given; I doubt if I'll have internet connection to update. I do know that I'm in charge of the games, and will be giving a personal testimony. The theme is "Holiness and Addictions." Prayers, as always, welcome!


1 comment:

  1. I always taught to pass first, I am still laughing on the spider story.....and prayers always.
