Volunteering and traveling in Argentina to proclaim God's great love, and hopefully not getting sick along the way.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hermano Rodrigo (dos)

At the boys institute this week, I was blessed with some more great moments with Rodrigo dos and his brother Fabrizio. These two absolutely love playing soccer, so I'm grateful to God that he has healed my knee, especially for moments like these:
I am hardcore. I will windmill kick you in the face...
So what really happened was I went for a kick and slipped, against all laws of physics, BACKWARDS, due to a patch of mud that had been created by the previous days' rain. Praise God that I have reflexes like a cat, and prevented my face from hitting the same patch of mud.

Surprising.. just the other day I had gone for a run. I was going up hill and had to weave through two people. I was getting pretty excited to pass another person, and was singing, "Just as I am, without one plea.." in my head when BAM! to the cement. Again, face safe. Just a little scratch on my hands and knees.

Maybe I'm more of a clutz than I'm willing to admit. The song, one might also add, was quite perfect for the moment...

Any way, Rodrigo uno also got to play with us a little before leaving for school. The rest of us, new Dario included, enjoyed an extra long game of fútbol that wore me out, but every moment was just plain wonderful. I had lost the ball due to a ridiculous turning trick that I can't do, but pretend that I can, and Fabri and I had a great laughing moment about that. Rodrigo dos and I practiced our secret handshake.. It was just a God send kind of morning. I feel like their older sister sometimes. Now I just pray for more moments of boldness with God's word! Chau.

1 comment:

  1. Windmill kick you in the face... that picture... the image in my head of you running along with that song in your head and then... BAM! It all served as a source of laughter this morning. Thanks for the stories and great examples of how to take life "in stride". Luv ya!
