Volunteering and traveling in Argentina to proclaim God's great love, and hopefully not getting sick along the way.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Más de la cultura de Córdoba

Driving. Stories about driving around the world make me all the more thankful for public transportation. I would never drive on California highways. And if I'm unwilling to drive the 101, I probably would be horrible in places like Nepal and India.

When we cross streets, I'm now apt to look for the arrow on the street sign to see which direction cars are supposed to be coming from. Key word being supposed. Then I think too, of what it is like to live in those few countries that drive on the left side of the road.*

Here's the deal. Córdoba has very few stop, or "pare" signs. It's a given that the cars coming from the right in an intersection have priority, but usually drivers will just flash lights and/or lightly honk their horn as a warning. "Coming through!" Just today riding with Raúl, we only slightly stopped to let a car pass in front, then behind, as we weaved through the intersection.

Cutting each other off is run of the mill, and most will give a smile and tranquil wave after you've extended the pleasure. Besides, the lanes on the streets aren't definitive, so know one really knows when they're being cut off any way. Usually.

Aside from driving, cars are fascinating. You can catch sight of a vehicle from every decade if you just wait a couple minutes (or seconds!) at a street corner. The Volkswagen and Renault are the most popular brands--disfruta watching the many varieties of VW bugs pass by! Then you get to enjoy the repetitive beeping of the car alarm that will go off even when one is driving. Having a car alarm is a sign to thieves that they won't stand a chance. And yet, what does one do otherwise?

Perhaps as Donny on our team does! He purposefully disconnects a wire or two from the engine so that even if the robbers get inside the car, they can not drive away.

And finally, the picture. If you see any vehicle (including motorcycles) with the gas can on the top, it's not because someone is lazy, it means the car is for sale.

So now you know. Chau!

*What's up with how few countries use the left side over the right side of the road? Then I stop to think about how silly it is that we in the States prefer the stupid Imperial system and I bite my tongue.

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